Friday, February 8, 2008

Major Project! What a Thing!


Major Project is literally draining all the juices out of me!
I feel so tired after each meeting as we had to plan out the
Literature Review, Discussion of our Results & Observations
and finally come out with a logical (and of course practical)
suggestions to our "Company" (a major healthcare authority).

Just for your information, Major Project (a.k.a Final Year Project) is
a major component in every Diploma in Temasek Polytechnic.
Final year students are given a selection of topics for them to
play with (I mean research on...)

Which means that we poor souls have to conduct strenous research
into our selected fields (food science, nutrition or food service).
Once that is done, we students are to report on our findings in an
aptly named Final Report. The finale ends with a Poster Presentation

Now back to where I left off...My group is in charge of evaluating
the effectiveness of a child care centre programme right here in
dear 'ol Singapore.

What we were tasked to do includes:

  • Compiling the passing and failure rate of child care centres which participated in the programme
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the programme (includes coming up with a questionnaire and interviewing the supervisors and cooks of child care centres)
  • Design a pamphlet as a nutrition guide for parents
  • Writing a report on our findings
  • Present our research to a group of industry veterans

Sounds tough huh? You bet!

Well, that's all I can spare for's back to more research, research and more research!