Thursday, October 9, 2008

Best Deals at Daiso?

Best deals it seems comes when you least expect them to appear. The same thing happened to me one afternoon as I lazed and sauntered about at Plaza Singapura. The place was huge with innumerable retail outlets offering the latest teenage fashion that ANY teenagers with popping zits and raging hormones would love to have.

Anyway, nauseated by the capitalistic offerings, I slowly made my way into DAISO hoping that a quick dash of cheap-china-made-products (hopefully not with melamine...) products would lift my already sore mood.

I was in for more shock (and delightful surpise!)

Although the store was filled to the brim with cheap knick-knacks (read: cutesy plastic containers that have no practical purposes), the real gem lay right at the very back of the store - the gardening section.

Garden enthusiasts, read on.

It was like I stumbled upon gardening nirvana. What a sight to behold as I drooled at the sight of beautiful and really cheap containers. If you have potted plants that need a sprinkling of life, these DAISO containers will do the job nicely.

On offer were the following:

Flower scissors
Containers (metallic, glass, clay and fibreglass)

I'll try to include a few photos the next time I post an entry!

Happy reading!

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